4 Dental Hygiene Tips to Keep Beautiful Teeth

3 min read

teeth, but more broadly on practices and habits that will allow everyone to keep beautiful and healthy teeth throughout their lives.

Incomplete or poorly controlled dental brushing leads to the accumulation of plaque and bacteria on the teeth and gums, leading to the appearance of gingival inflammation called gingivitis. Bi-annual appointments will prevent the appearance and aggravation of these problems.

which is not only associated with the appearance of tooth mobility, but also correlated with systemic pathologies such as heart problems or diabetes.

Everyone knows that poor dental hygiene increases the risk of cavities and if these are not treated, the risk of losing the decayed tooth increases considerably. Do not wait for problems to appear to consult your dentist , prevention is the best approach to treat problems before they appear and to avoid the necessary time and expense associated with the treatment of missing or damaged teeth.

Fortunately , it’s never too late to start adopting good habits and here you will find 4 dental hygiene tips to always have healthy and beautiful teeth.

1. What is good daily dental hygiene?

The UFSBD (French Union for Oral Health) recommends two brushings per day of 2 minutes with the use of dental floss each evening . Dental floss is often neglected in France even though it helps prevent the appearance of inter-proximal caries (between the teeth) which are the most difficult caries to diagnose and whose management is the more often delayed.

“two brushes a day of 2 minutes with the use of dental floss every evening”

2. What material? :

With a manual or electric brush, flexible and changed every three months . Easy to use and guaranteeing longer brushing, the second often proves to be more effective in adults, especially in implant or periodontal maintenance, provided it is oscillo-pulsating or sonic. To these can be added brushes for patients with periodontal disease and for those undergoing orthodontic treatment.

As for dental floss, the use of which is systematically recommended every evening, it will be used from an early age, when two teeth touch each other.

3. How to watch your diet?

The French do not always know what they eat and how they eat it, which also has direct repercussions on their oral health

4. A balanced diet helps maintain healthy teeth.

Who says balanced says varied , to provide every day to the whole body, but also to the teeth, proteins (meat, fish, eggs, tofu…), carbohydrates (pasta, rice, fruits…), lipids (oil of olive, butter, avocado…) vitamins (fruits and vegetables), mineral salts and water.

5. The rhythm of meals

It is important to establish a certain rhythm in eating meals and to avoid snacking . This is to allow the oral acidity to subside between each food intake and thus avoid the formation of dental plaque.

6. The danger of sugary drinks

Limit the consumption of sodas or energy drinks and other flavored mineral waters which, despite their transparency, are sweet.

A warning that even applies to so-called “light” drinks. Their acidity, masked by the presence of sweeteners, slips into every corner of the mouth and attacks the enamel directly, without the need for sugar degradation to produce acid.

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